The inaugural Event $15,000 Thoroughbred incentives attracted top-level eventers who choose Thoroughbreds as their elite competition mounts, such as members of the 2016 Rio Olympic Team member Boyd Martin and traveling alternate Lynn Symansky with Donner, aka "The Deer". The purpose of the incentives is to highlight and reward the use of off-track Thoroughbreds in second careers. Thoroughbred blood provides bravery and stamina needed for cross-country. Off-Track Thoroughbreds need second careers and committed owners. It's win-win for both sides.
The idea worked. 27% of the 2016 OJC Event were Thoroughbreds. Average was just 6.5% in two other Ocala 3-Day Events. Similar numbers have participated in each successive year of the event.
Thoroughbred Eventing Champion Division
The Ocala Jockey Club is a Thoroughbred farm. Ocala is Thoroughbred country, with hundreds of Thoroughbred breeding and training farms. Eventers love Thoroughbreds since they have no problems with enough stamina to gallop four miles while leaping over large obstacles. So it makes sense to do something special for Thoroughbreds at our Event. The 2019 November Event is again giving away $15,000 in prizes to top-placing Thoroughbreds in each of the four FEI Divisions to compete in the Thoroughbred Eventing Champion category!
Thoroughbred Eventing Champion Division and T.I.P. Program Links:
Thoroughbred Prize Eligibility Form
T.I.P. Number Online Application
Thoroughbred Registered Name and Racing Record Search
Retired Racehorse Project Website
Thoroughbred Eventing Champion Division
Shannon Brinkman Photo